Advanced 6 Methods To Boost Testosterone Naturally
To boost testosterone, a
lot of youngsters start injecting artificial testosterone into their bodies. This
is very unsafe and can cause a lot of harmful effects in the long run. When you
start injecting artificial testosterone, your body stops the production of natural
testosterone and due to this, you can get a lot of other health issues. Now,
I will tell you how you can boost your testosterone naturally.
As you all know that testosterone
is a male hormone and once, we cross the age of 40 the natural production rate
in our bodies declines. But in many cases lately, it has been found that the
testosterone levels in a lot of youngsters are very low too. There can be a lot
of reasons behind this. Namely lack of physical activity, Sedentary lifestyle,
Obesity Stress and poor eating habits. Due to these reasons, testosterone
levels in your body can decline and your body will start showing the symptoms
as well. Now, if you want to know about the testosterone levels in your body,
you can get it checked by a doctor. These are free and total testosterone will
let you know the range of your testosterone levels.
6 Methods to Boost Testosterone Naturally.
First Method:
The consumption of Ashwagandha (Indian
ginseng) and Shilajit (Mineral pitch). If you are thinking of adding a natural
supplement to your diet then you should consider these two natural herbs because
firstly, these are easily available in the market. Secondly, there are no side
effects. You can consume them at night before going to bed with some milk. I
would suggest you consume the recommended dosage specified on the packaging and
don’t overconsume it. Adding this would help you but you will have to be
patient to boost testosterone naturally. You will start seeing the
benefits only after using it for a few days.
Second Method:
I would advise is that you need
to start working out. You will see a lot of benefits if you start weight
training. Do an intense strength training session 4 days a week for 45 minutes
to an hour. Do remember that you cannot ignore compound movements. Squats,
deadlifts, and bench presses. Do a good workout and your body will boost your
testosterone naturally.
Third Method:
Include some food items in your
diet which increase the overall nutritional value of your diet and boost your
testosterone like green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, nuts, extra
virgin olive oil, fish, eggs, chicken, ginger and garlic. Stay away from
processed food, reduce the intake of sugar and salt in your diet. Most
importantly If you want to boost your testosterone stay away from alcohol and
Fourth Method:
Keep your body fat percentage in
a fixed range i.e. 8-16%. It has been found that people who are obese have
a high body fat percentage. The level of estrogen hormone increases in their
body. When estrogen increases, testosterone automatically decreases. People who
are fat or have a high-fat percentage should try to reduce these levels. By
doing this you will be safe from many other health problems as well.
Fifth Method:
Include a few vitamins and
minerals in your diet. Like, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin A, B complex and
vitamin D. I would advise you to purchase a good multivitamin and start
consuming one serving of it daily along with your breakfast. But the most
important is vitamin D and the best source for this is sunlight. Everyone
should sit in the sun for 10-15 minutes every morning. Now, why is it essential
to consume all these vitamins and minerals? Because when there is a deficiency
of these in your body your cortisol level will increase and when the cortisol
level increases, the testosterone level decreases. Hence it is very essential to
include these vitamins and minerals in your diet.
Sixth Method:
The most essential is good sleep
and you need to get 7-8 hours of good quality sleep. 10 pm-5 am is the best
time to sleep. Stay away from your phone and televisions for 1 hour before your
sleep as these emit blue light. Wear loose and lite clothes while sleeping and
to reduce stress from your life you can do meditation for a minimum of 30
minutes. This is one of the best methods to boost testosterone Naturally.
Natural Ways To Maintain Testosterone
All these lifestyle changes will
help you to boost your testosterone naturally. Do not complicate the
word ” testosterone” too much. These will help you and you will have a good