Banana good for you

Is Banana Good for Health

banana food for digestion

I'll tell you, surprisingly, one of the most common questions I get from people is, "Are bananas good for me?" We had contemplated and become familiar with the medical advantages of bananas and on the opposite end, I think many individuals comprise of the sugar content that is found in specific organic products like bananas. I'll tell you here, bananas, they are teetering on the edge here of The Chopping Block. Let's talk about the negatives of bananas, and then let's talk about the positives.

Disadvantages of Eating Banana

The negatives, without a doubt, is that does contain a large amount of sugar and doesn't really have much protein or any healthy fat whatsoever along with it. One a medium-sized banana has 27 grams of starches, 14 grams of sugar, and around 1 a gram of protein and 0 grams of fat. So if you're eating a banana good for you by itself, there's no doubt it could affect your blood sugar levels in a small amount. The negative side of bananas is right there, is if you're a person who's trying to lose weight, if you have sensitive blood sugar, that bananas in terms of fruit, it's higher on the glycemic index, which means it will typically affect your insulin more or affect your sugar more compared to most of the other fruits.

Benefits of Eating Banana

Now let's talk about the positives with a banana good for your health. Bananas are one of the most potassium-rich foods in the entire world. One single banana has 500 mg of potassium, so it's stuffed with potassium. It has 32 mg of magnesium, so it's really loaded with electrolytes. So if you're an athlete, if you're a person that works out, this is an amazing food for you because, again, it can really help fuel your cells. Now another thing in defending the banana is that if you're comparing this banana even to a bowl of oatmeal, this is still lower on the glycemic index and has a lower amount of carbohydrates than even healthier grains out there like rice, bananas, and quinoa.

So again, this really it is a better option compared to any other grains out there in many books. Be that as it may, when you're contrasting it with different natural products, similar to berries for examples, berries have more cell reinforcements, they're higher in fibre. Berries definitely have more benefits as well as a lot of other fruits compared to a banana, but bananas are still better than grains. So what do I say about the banana in closing?

Well, here's what I would say. If you're a person who is trying to lose weight or has some digestive issues, I really think if you're trying to lose weight or have sensitive blood sugar, I would remove bananas from your diet, but I would still eat them before any other grains.

Banana is good for an athlete, bodybuilding and banana can increase weight.

If you're an athlete or somebody who is already pretty lean and healthy and just trying to stay healthy, I think bananas are still a great option for you. So when it comes to bananas getting chopped, we're going to spare the banana here, and we're actually going to peel it here instead of chopping it. So banana good for you.

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